The inside skinny on the Bad Taste Bears

Monday 19 May 2008

Summer event bear gets smashed to bits shocker!

"So what do you do with the bits of wax after you make a mould ?" I hear you ask.
Well Okay you didn't ask, but I'm going to tell you any way.
The bears are sculpted in wax, and a rubber mould is made of them.
Sadly taking the delicate wax out of the mould almost always breaks up the wax (boo hoo) So the original thing is no more. You're just left with a pile of bits.
Which means it's play time!
Look what I made out of the bits for the summer event bear!


I'm gonna call him, er, oh, erm....... Mutant bear?
Okay naming bears is not my strong point. Maybe you can do better.

"What do you think Mr Monkey man?"
Oh please tell me you did not just do that!

Everyone's a critic.

Love and hugs Nigel


Anonymous said...

It's a shame the original sculpting gets spoilt. It would be worth a lot of money.

Anonymous said...

Loving this blog finding it very informative especially to an old time BTB'er like me.... keep it up - Transformer

Anonymous said...

Surely the most apt name has to be Hans.....
Loving all the randomness on the blog too!