The inside skinny on the Bad Taste Bears

Friday 16 May 2008

A load of new Tosh.

I'm in charge. Don't you forget it!

New stuff in today. Tosh etc. So it's all hands on deck to unload the shipment.
This particular one was delayed by a typhoon amongst other things.
Now I won't be showing you loads of photos of this every time we get another shipment in, but I thought it was good to show at least once.
Click on the picture of the Moody looking dog above, and you will be whisked away to our flickr account.
There you will see everyone helping out. Even the top brass.
(I couldn't actually help myself as I hurt my back the other day in a fight with a bookcase. You believe me don't you?)

Those funny ones amongst you might want to think up a caption for the above photo, either here in the comments, or over in Flickr.

love and hugs Nigel.

P.S The dogs did nothing to help.


Anonymous said...

Thats my dog Columbo!!!
Love the blog.

Anonymous said...

Loving the insight into a day in the life at PIR.... all hands on desk!!!

Anonymous said...

or deck even (hic!!)