The inside skinny on the Bad Taste Bears

Wednesday 2 July 2008

Is there such a thing as too Bad? Humm

Most of the time a drawing comes from Pete, and goes straight the sculptors.
It's that simple.

Sometimes things have to be altered to stop it breaking in the post (Yes I know that does still happen sometimes, but we try our best. Honest)
Sometimes they need to be tweaked so that they'll stand up. But as far as possible we try not to mess with it too much.

Then there was this little fellow a couple of years ago. He had us all split as to whether or not he should be made.
"Yes! Do it!" I hear you shout, and half the office was with you on that.
Then you think to yourself "Humm, what if we do it and we put it out there, and the next day someone has another go at blowing up the London underground?"
Humm... what do you think? I still don't know.
Then sometimes Pete has an idea that can be done more than one way. He often does a sketch with alternative this and that. Most of the time there's very little in it when it comes to which way to go.
Both ways are more often than not equally as funny.

Liberty was never meant to be funny. It's more of a comment on the times we live in.
But she had us scratching our chins all the same.

The gun she holds in the real one is an M16. (the gun the US army use over in Iraq) but there was the choice to use the AK47. The much loved weapon of choice for Terrorists the world over.
This would have made the comment that the U.S. had become the terrorist. It changes the feel of the bear doesn't it.

Everyone thought that little transfers on the glasses of the twin towers burning would be going too far.


Anonymous said...

I really love the "Liberty" bear, for the reasons expressed i.e. that she is a comment on the world we live in, especially with the dumb Texas Rancher in charge and not specifically a Bad Taste Bear. I also totally agree that the shades look better on the bear as released and that the "burning" towers would have been a step too far.

Anonymous said...

I like liberty and the message speaks loud and clear. 'liberty but at a cost' or if like me you like the bear just for being different then more power to you.

Cyberpig said...

Whilst I personally have no problem with the Liberty and the image in the specs or the Bagdad bear being produced I can quite understand people being upset by them.

Spooky thing is we have just done a paint mod on Liberty and were considering exactly the same !

Anonymous said...

well they are supposed to be Bad Taste bears, you don't get much more bad taste

Anonymous said...

More Bad Taste Is Needed If You Ask Me.....

Anonymous said...

Now that is more like it. More bad taste is just what we need . The bears are not called good taste bears now are they ?

Anonymous said...

Fab insight - more please

Anonymous said...

Hell yeah they aint called Bad Taste Bears for a reason, so "Yes! Do it!"

Otherwise promise you will release it, before the demise of BTB's as nothing ever lasts forever!!

Daniela said...

I love this bear!
Jonny64: that's true!!!


Anonymous said...

why not go the whole way and put 'bagdad` in the drivers seat of a train! now that really would be BAD TASTE lol

Anonymous said...

The BADDER the Better thats what we won't YEH!!