The inside skinny on the Bad Taste Bears

Friday 22 August 2008

Dawn Of the dead


It's been a while since my last post.
This is because...
A. I am a lazy twat.
B. I've been on holiday for a week in the lake district.
C. I've been too busy watching
D. all of the above.

Well my zombie Captain lucky went down well didn't it.
So well that we're going to do a zombie event on the first of November.
Well alright maybe it wasn't just me. Maybe we've thinking about a zombie event for a couple of years.

Are you coming?
Are you going as a zombie or a famous zombie? If you go as zombie Elvis you might not be the only one. In which case we'll probably get them all to fight to the death in a paddling pool full of KY jelly.

let's all go as Zombie Elvis!... No lets not.

We're still mulling over what to do on the night.
Maybe a pimp your bear, into a zombie, competition? You could bring along your zombified bear, and win. Erm... my Zombie Captain lucky... or... maybe something that's actually worth something.

If you do come as a zombie you could go all out with loads of latex rubber, or if you're anything like me you could just get up early.

This is what I look like if I get up before 8.

You all have a choice. Come as a zombie or just come. Unless your name is Dawn. Then you've got to dress up. 'Cos then you'd be Dawn of the dead!

HA HA HA HA HA ! er sorry.


Anonymous said...

I once organized a kiddies Halloween party at my local leisure centre and dressed up as a Zombie....after five minutes I had to leave as all the parents said I was upsetting the kids!
Like the idea of Pimp a zombie bear.

Anonymous said...

Dawn doesn't do costumes!

Anonymous said... I'm with you on that one. The picture is more joker than zombie.

Anonymous said...

I Bet Dawn Does!