OddCo and Peter Underhill are delighted to announce our brand new mini-series of Bad Taste Bears, the Music Legends which will be launched later this month. In order to mark this extra special occasion we are be holding an internet treasure hunt between 4th and 7th September.
This weekend 7 photos of the Music Legends will be hidden within the pages of certain BTB related websites. You guys must do a little detective work and scour the internet looking for these magnificent 7 images, each of which will display the Music Legends Logo. As these will be hidden on various BTB related corners of the internet it's up to you to sniff them out.
The 7 images will not all appear at once so you may have to return to certain places that you think they may appear at regular occasions...Well, we didn't want to make this TOO easy!
Once you've collected all 7 images of the Music Legends, you must then upload them all onto the(Members Only) competitions section of the BTB forum (there is a limit of 4 images per post so you may need to make 2 consecutive posts). The first person to do this will win the first two Music bears absolutely FREE!
Go on then, we'll be nice and give you the first to get going with.....

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