"Yeah sure." I thought. Why not? It's not like some Christmas fun is going to land me in a load of deep shit or anything, is it?
Or is it?
So I wrote a load of words and that about Christmas Dinner. Having done that I took it upon myself to pile some humourous links into it too.
Click on the word chocolate, and it took you to a picture of a baby covered in chocolate.
Click on a Turkey, and it took you to a picture of a turkey pecking president Bushes balls.
Click on the word Bitch and it took you to a picture of a half naked lady with a Santa hat on nearly doing something with a beer bottle.
A couple of you complained on the forums about that particular shocking image.
I'm not going to defend myself. You were offended. It was removed. Sorry.
I thought that I could blog with wild abandon because one of our bears is having sex with a sheep. And you seem to like that.
Like I say. I'm not looking to defend myself. It's a bit of a shocking thing to come (or cum) across, but there's nothing more on show there than you see on the average bear.
All you can see is the nipples. (the internet contains other images where you can actually see stuff "going in")
Is there a sort of bear filter in play here?
You may like to see a bears nipples, but not a ladies?
Please let me know. I'm not looking to piss you off. (if it wasn't for you guys I wouldn't have a job.)
Here's my "artists" impression of the offending image through the bear filter...
And be warned. The original is underneath it. Do not click that weird line if you are likely to be offended by the image. I just thought that I had to put it there so that those who wish to judge can judge.

To my mind the offensive elements of the image are the blue eyeliner and the clear plastic heals.
Then after that I caused further offence by being racist...
A couple of weeks ago I was watching a Youtube party on MTV. They, and loads of really famous people were celebrating youtubes success, and they were asking the famous what there favorite youtube vids were.
One of these guys was Wyclef Jean of Fugees fame. He said that his favourite video was Charlie Brown Kwanzaa.
Now there's no link here for that. If you want to see it you need to make a proper effort. You need to go over there, and find it. If you do find yourself watching it it won't be by accident.
I caused offence. And I can see why. Sorry.
I thought that you'd all be unoffendable. Turns out the repeated use of the "N" word does cause offense.
In my own twisted world the "N" word is very offensive if spoken by a white person. I personally don't find kwanzaa offensive because it's been dubbed over by black people.
I like listening to gangster rap (even though I'm possibly the whitest man alive) Dizzy, Dre, and snoop all use the "N" word a lot, and that's fine in my eyes.
But I'm white. Am I allowed to like it?
Wyclef Jean of Fugees fame likes Charlie Brown Kwanzaa.
But I'm white. Am I allowed to like it?
I thought it was funny because in it Charley Brown's a pimp, and does loads of swearing.
I should have at least warned you. I know that now.
I'm sorry for any offense caused. The first and last thing we at Bad Taste towers want to do is cause offense.
(That is why if you click on the word bitch in the post below you will be taken to a picture of a little fluffy kitten. Aw. Bless.)
There's a Dr Dre track called "bitch ass n*****S"
I don't think he'll mind you liking his music. It's all money in the bank for him.
I'm part of the "unoffendable" crowd so I find this another good entry, well done.
Some people are pathetic !
No comments complaing about a Dolly rodgering a man with using a strap on C O C K
I wonder if the complainers have that one in their collection
Bring on the cupcakes and skittles
You have no reason to say sorry
There was no need to delete the original images, viewers of the blog should be fans of 'bad taste'. I have no idea why people who are easily offended would log on in the first place?!
tits and swearing are funny.
Some people wish it wasn't true, but it is.
i can't believe some people made such a fuss over this. what makes a bird with her tits out any less acceptable than what some of the bears are doing?
I think if we're honest, people like to find a reason to take pot shots at the Bad Taste Bear company. they need to get a life and find someone else to annoy.
I was dissapointed as i missed the george bush pic other than that i cant see why anyone should be offended.i come frrm a racialy mixed family and i must admit no one used the "N" word as it is frowned upon but saying that if its used in a humourfull way why not?
I know in the State´s a coloured can call other coloured "N" depending on the context its used in..and no offence is taken.
A white cannot use the word "N" without being called racist, stupid but thats the way the world is.
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