Bad Blogger Bad.
I have been shirking my responsibilities, and it hasn't gone unnoticed. Kirsty thinks that one of the games for the next event should be spank the modelmaker. You win a gold variation if you manage to make me cry.
Personally I'm not so keen on that idea. If the bible has taught me anything (and it hasn't) it's that it is better to give than to receive. (I'm a little fuzzy on whether or not Jesus was talking about spanking or not when he said that.)
Speaking of events, did you have a nice time? I hope you did.
Personally I did. We at bad taste towers think it went well on the whole. We could have maybe done more to decorate the room, and I know a lot of people didn't think the comedian was that good. I quite liked him, but I missed a lot of it because the sound wasn't great either.
We do take note of such things, do try to learn from our mistakes.

To my knowledge we've never done a mod your bear thing at an event before, but I think that going off the talent displayed on the night we'll be doing more.
Now that that's over it's time to turn our minds to the next event. As far as entertainment goes I'm pushing for the cumshots. A band from Norway that recently got into a spot of bother when a couple got up on stage and... er... fucked.
Luckily the police chose not to prosecute me, er, I mean them.

So good......
Can I just add that we were most dissapointed that you did not where your "not gay" t-shirt - we more most dissapointed and my wife, a good Catholic girl shouted this out to you at one point.
I think it was when there were 3,458 people in the queue for the good game - whilst you were manning the pull a tampon string game with a total of 0 entrants
Thank you for the links in you post - especially to the "Jesus spank" site - without that link I would never have come across the word
My life is so much more complete now and for that I will for always be in you debt
My final regret is that having got lost yourself - when you finally arrived at the correct side of campus - you did not share that mighty fine sandwich you tucked into
Would it be rude to ask what was in it ?
Love your writing style ... Stephen King move over!
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