Oo, nasty! My lucky Jack just took a tumble off the top shelf. (note to self, Frisbee is to be played outside in future).
The broken crutch is easy enough to fix. A dab of glue should sort that out.

But there's also this nasty chip in the hat, coupled with the usual paint-off-nose thing.

Humm, what to do? What to do? I could paint the chip out with some chaos black paint from games workshop. Or...

I could attack it with one of these! A dremel tool! Yes that's what I'll do.

The top of his hat's a mess, but if I try to make him into a zombie pirate, I'm going to have to make even more of a mess of it...
And if it is going to be a zombie I might as well go for it, and dremel off his eye patches, and go for the whole hollow eye sockets look.

Aw yeah, that's what I'm talking about. Bit of rough sandpaper should sort that out.


Now this Zombie's looking a little too happy for me. So I need to have his moustache off, because that's a dead give away that he used to be smiling.

Ah and look at his cheek. The bit I've got in the dremel has a flat end so the hole I make has a flat bottom. Look, you can see his skull now.

There's a patch of skin missing at the back now too.

Now i need to get something sharp and scratch in the fur that's missing...


Ive dremeled out some of his cheeks too to give them a hollowed out look, but I still need to get rid of that smile.
Now comes the car body filler...

Humm, messy, but some sandpaper will soon sort that.

Great. I've smoothed off the filler and used the dremel to make a nice Zombie mouth.
Needs painting now.
Looking good so far. May have to rethink my halloween idea now! lol
Now we know what Nigel got up to whilst everyone else was down at the Zoo!!!
I have this was extra ciricular activity *LOL*
Looking great - hope we get to see the finished painted mod ?
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