If you don't already know, my absolute FAVOURITE BTB's of all time are the Monster Bears. That's why I'm totally chuffed to see these fab Mini-Monster sets come to life and hopefully go to a great home through the wonders of BTBEbay...
If you didn't already know, these dinky critters stand at approx 6.5 cm and were originally sculpted to be made as keyrings. However, plans were changed and these designs will now never be released at this size.
There are a total of 3 sets of the original Micro Monster prototypes, each with a different finish:
Silverscreen Monochrome
Halloween Glow in the Dark
Classic Originals
My favourites out of these are the Silver Screen versions (especially Dracula) and although they look pretty good on EBay, I just wanted to give you more of a close up look....
I'm going to be very jealous of the person who manages to pick up this set!!
Check them and the other two sets out on Ebay here...
Paul x