You know what it's like. You're on a night out with the lads. You had a row with the wife before you came out over her wanting you stop gambling, or to get a job, or stop injecting or whatever. So you're not in a fast hurry to go home.
All you want is a few drinks.
One turns into two, which pretty quickly becomes three, then four, then six, then... er... what was I... erm...
Then you're thinking "Oo look at her over there... I should go over there and turn on the charm..."
There's a blank patch of memory during which time you lost your shoes, and ended up outside in the rain.
You're close to the edge, it's not going to take much to send you over.
Then you get a text off the girlfriend "You're dumped!"
Before you know it you're up the top of the Empire state batting away the police biplanes with a traffic cone...
It's happened to us all.
Anyway here's some behind the scenes shots of the Nigel's Friday night out bear (or Kongo as everyone else is calling it)
That last shot inspired me to photochop this little scene together.