Happy 50th birthday Jacko!
The Smooth Criminal who did not say "lets Come together" to a long line of under age boys is one year nearer the grave, and to celebrate, the Bad one is to be captured in far eastern poly resin.Wheather he be black or white you've got to hand it to pixie voiced grey faced Thriller. He told his critics to beat it, thought to himself "Don't stop till you get enough" and kept on going in the face, not of children, but of legal proceedings.
The king of pop may be past his best, but there's no denying that his body of music is on the whole better than the pedo of pop's Gary Glitter, who once sang "Come on, Come on." 11 year old Vietnamese girls.
Jacko is to be the new event bear! 'Cos he's a zombie! Yeah Zombie's! I'm interested to see what colour he's gonna end up being. Anything but black really. He's got to be recognizable hasn't he.
I want it made clear that Michael Jackson did not get jiggy with any underage boys. He was proved innocent in a court of law, and is every bit as innocent as, erm OJ Simpson?