Friday, 30 May 2008
Oo Look at this!
There'd been a memo, but who reads them right?
No this weeks team building thing was Drunk Thursday. The idea being that everyone either turns up pissed or gets pissed once there.
So I turned up late yesterday morning stark bollock naked (having not read the memo) to find everyone totally mashed, but still unwilling to share any cans.
But just when I thought the day was a right off, look what came in the post!
It's a killed bill plush sample! Cool!
Never has Bad Taste Plush been so good. It's great isn't it. Click the pic for more views in Flickr.
They seem to love this stuff in Europe nearly 127000 squashy bears sold in France and Spain so far!
What some?
Well I'm told we hope to get some plush on the website soon. But no Bill just yet I don't think. It is just a sample.
Love and hugs Nigel.
P.S I think they stopped naked Thursdays because I knocked over the photocopier with my cock!
Friday, 23 May 2008
Close up beaver shot.

Sure we've done a few pussies in the past, but this is our first beaver.
What else could we do?
A bear eating some furry pie?
munching on a furburger?
Didn't we do one with his hand in the honeypot?
A bear in a little boat sailing into the love tunnel won't fit in the box will it.
But one could keep his hands warm in a pair of furry gloves.
We wouldn't do a bear eating a fish taco. That would be going to far.
Or would it?
Ps Click on the Beaver shot for a different view.
Wednesday, 21 May 2008
It's Christmas!
Hey well the summer is almost upon us, and with that comes the Summer Event!
(See me if you don't know how to mix brown) So what are we thinking about here at bad taste towers?
Now if you're anything like me. I start to think about what to get for the wife somewhere around December 22nd (Though there was that Christmas 2004 when I got round to it on Boxing day)
Bad Taste Bears, however, like to work a little further ahead. I've just seen a drawing that came through from Pete this afternoon of an idea for the next Christmas Bear! Now usually for any bear there's some mixed opinion in the office. Some may love a particular bear while others may think such and such bear was better. But I can safely say that I have never seen such a positive reaction to an idea. Don't get me wrong, we all love Pete's drawings but this was almost overwhelming!
Would you like to see it?
Well you can't. I'd get the sack in about a second flat!
They even make me write this blog on an ejector seat under a hole in the roof. So sorry, and anyway we're just at the ideas stage anyway.
Back to the Summer Event though. If you are there in the Paint/sculpting tent and you need A hand, that's what we're there for.
I saw this one cute little shy redhead painting her bear green because she didn't know how to mix brown. So I sat down next to her and... er... well to cut along story short there's a court order out against me now.
But forget about that, See you at the Event!
Love but no touching. Nigel
Tuesday, 20 May 2008
Oops! Collector card misprint.
And nothing ever, ever, goes wrong.
Hold on a minute what the funk's this?
Imagine our horror when we excitedly checked the most recent shipment only to find this in with the Tosh bears!
That's not meant to be blue is it? Blue's wrong isn't it? Or is it a blue movie? Ha Ha get it? Blue Movie. See he's got his todger stuck in the TV and there's a blue... er... sorry.
What do you think of this far-eastern mistake, and my joke Mr monkey man?

Monday, 19 May 2008
Summer event bear gets smashed to bits shocker!
Well Okay you didn't ask, but I'm going to tell you any way.
The bears are sculpted in wax, and a rubber mould is made of them.
Sadly taking the delicate wax out of the mould almost always breaks up the wax (boo hoo) So the original thing is no more. You're just left with a pile of bits.
Which means it's play time!
Look what I made out of the bits for the summer event bear!
I'm gonna call him, er, oh, erm....... Mutant bear?
Okay naming bears is not my strong point. Maybe you can do better.
"What do you think Mr Monkey man?"
Love and hugs Nigel
Friday, 16 May 2008
A load of new Tosh.
This particular one was delayed by a typhoon amongst other things.
Now I won't be showing you loads of photos of this every time we get another shipment in, but I thought it was good to show at least once.
Click on the picture of the Moody looking dog above, and you will be whisked away to our flickr account.
There you will see everyone helping out. Even the top brass.
(I couldn't actually help myself as I hurt my back the other day in a fight with a bookcase. You believe me don't you?)
Those funny ones amongst you might want to think up a caption for the above photo, either here in the comments, or over in Flickr.
love and hugs Nigel.
P.S The dogs did nothing to help.
Thursday, 15 May 2008
The return of the Sculptors bench!
Don't expect this much from me in the future, but I thought it would be nice of me to show you what we're on with at the moment.
As you can no doubt tell it's a Chef stuffing his, er... friend.
There's still a bit to do. Wayne needs to sculpt some stuffing for the bowl and Gav or me need to make a table for the guy who's getting it.
What do you think?
I'm doing this for your opinion, but if you don't like it, I don't want you to just say "Crap" or "Don't like it." If you are going to express a negative opinion we need a little more. Like why? If we don't know what exactly we're doing wrong then we're going to do it again aren't we.
Ps click the picture for a slighty closer look.
It's a blog!
About the Bad Taste Bears. From the Bad Taste Bears.
I could make humorous comments about pictures from events...
Hummm, cheeky.
I dunno.